Unstable Wi-Fi on Camera, Prone to Going Offline.

First, if there is poor contact between the power adapter and the outlet, it is possible that the power has been cut off. Please check by unplugging and replugging the adapter or changing the outlet, as you may not be aware that the power has been cut off. If you turn on the power again, the camera will automatically turn back on, so you don’t need to reconnect.

Also, here are some possible reasons for offline issues:

  1. Verify that DHCP is enabled on the router.
  2. Check the Wi-Fi signal. It should usually be displayed with three bars or more. (If the distance between the camera and the Wi-Fi router is too far, the Wi-Fi signal may be less than three bars.)
  3. Wi-Fi channel: If the Wi-Fi channel is crowded, you may need to reset it to “Auto.”
  4. Camera IP address may be conflicting with other devices. In that case, you need to set a fixed IP address for the camera.
  5. Change the name of the wireless network (SSID): If there are different wireless networks in the environment with the same name (SSID), WLAN devices try to connect to the wrong wireless network by mistake. Therefore, please set a unique wireless network name for the wireless router or repeater.
  6. Set the maximum transmission power: With some wireless routers, you can reduce the transmission power, which can reduce the performance of the wireless network. Make sure the maximum transmission power of the wireless router is set correctly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact support (support2@eleprotech.com) by email. We are available 24/7, and we will respond to your email inquiries within 24 hours.

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